Recent talks
- SEArch: an execution infrastructure for service-based software systems.
The title says almost all. Search supports dynamic and semantic-based composition of services inplemented with different programming languages. June 19, 2024.
- Behavioural Specifications and Quantitative Techniques.
A revised overview of quantitative techniques and behavioural types for the course on ‘Challenges and Perspectives of Formal Methods for Trustworthy Software’ - PhD seminars series (University of Pisa and IMT Scuola Alti Studi Lucca). May 16, 2024.
- Quantitative Techniques.
An overview of quantitative techniques and behavioural types. January 29, 2024.
- eM’s intro & some current research.
A 3-minutes presentation on current work. January 29, 2024.
- Behavioural Types for Local-First Software.
A talk at the final It-Matters Meeting. July 11, 2023.
Invited talks, tutorials, participations
- Quantitative Techniques.
January 29, 2024.
Dagstuhl Seminar: 24051 Next Generation Protocols for Heterogeneous Systems
- On Behavioural Types for Robotic Systems.
September 04, 2023.
Robotics and Software Engineering (RSE’23)
- Problems in implementing concurrency models and in modelling concurrent abstractions. Two case studies.
June 26, 2023.
Open Problems in Concurrency Theory 2023
- Automata for Choreographies.
July 27, 2022.
NOVA LINCS FCT-UNL (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Choreographic Development of Message-Passing Applications - A Tutorial.
June 15, 2020.
DisCoTec 2020
- Behavioural APIs & choreographic development.
February 26, 2020.
NOVA LINCS FCT-UNL (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Behavioural APIs & choreographic development.
February 14, 2020.
FCUL (Lisbon, Portugal)
- A choreographic approach to the design of (message-passing) software.
February 22, 2019.
McAfee Cordoba (Argentina)
- Message-passing, choreographically.
February 17, 2019.
International Symposium on the Mathematical Foundations of Software Engineering (Rio Cuarto, Argentina)
- On pomsets as models of asynchronous message-passing languages.
September 19, 2018.
Department of Computer Science (Bologna, Italy)
- Choreographies for Communicating Systems.
April 21, 2017.
GSSI (L’Aquila, Italy)
- Think ontologically: An Introduction to the use of Ontologies in Archaeology and Digital Humanities.
A tutorial day. June 17, 2017.
Department of Arcaeology, University of Leicester
- Think global, Act local. Semantics and application of a choregraphy-based approach.
November 28, 2016.
University of Kent (UK)
- Introduction to behavioural types.
Guest lecturer for the course on languages and models for Global Computing. May 09, 2016.
Laurea Magistrale in Informatica (2015/2016) - Università di Padova (IT)
- Introduction to distributed choreographies.
MGS 2016. April 11, 2016.
Birmingham (UK)
- Think global, act local! or the other way around? A (gentle?) introduction to distributed choreographies.
October 21, 2014.
Royal Holloway (UK)
- Think Ontologically. A Crash Course on Ontology Modelling for Archaeologists.
Tutorial day. May 11, 2014.
Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden (The Netherlands)
- Interactions, automata, and names.
Invited lectures. December 01, 2012.
Pisa (IT)
- Protocol Verification.
MGS 2010. March 28, 2010.
Sheffield (UK)
- Synchronised Hyperedge Replacement as a Model for Service Oriented Computing.
BPESO 2007. October 16, 2007.
Copenhagen (DK)
- Concurrency and Mobility.
MGS 2006. April 08, 2006.
Leicester (UK)